A mother and a daughter always share a special bond, which is engraved on their hearts."
On 8th August 2024, St. John's School hosted a ‘Mother-Daughter Hygiene Program’, conducted by Ms. Radha Rani from the P&G Group. The workshop aimed to educate young girls from Classes V and VI, along with their mothers, about menstrual hygiene, breaking taboos, and ensuring proper care during periods.
Ms. Radha Rani began the session with a detailed explanation of menstruation, including the typical age of commencement and the biological process behind it. This foundation helped the young girls understand what to expect and how to handle the onset of their periods.
The workshop provided guidance on selecting appropriate sanitary napkins. Ms. Rani discussed the different types available and emphasized the importance of using quality products for comfort and hygiene.
The session also covered exercises that can alleviate menstrual cramps, along with dietary suggestions to help manage the symptoms. This information was vital in helping the girls maintain their well-being during their periods.
A significant part of the workshop was dedicated to encouraging mothers to discuss menstruation openly with their daughters. Ms. Rani stressed the importance of normalizing these conversations to remove the stigma attached to menstruation.
The workshop concluded with a practical demonstration on how to apply and use a sanitary napkin correctly. This hands-on approach ensured that the girls were comfortable and confident in managing their menstrual hygiene.
The Mother-Daughter Hygiene Program was a resounding success, providing essential knowledge and breaking down barriers surrounding the topic of menstruation. Both the girls and their mothers left the workshop better informed and more comfortable discussing and managing menstrual health. The initiative by Ms. Radha Rani and the P&G Group was highly appreciated, as it equipped young girls with the knowledge and confidence needed for this important aspect of their lives.